The BHS Bookshop is pleased to announce its End of Year book sale until 31st of December 2023:
- past copies of Blithe Spirit (2017-2022): a mix of five journals only for £10.00 with free p&p;
- previous BHS members’ anthologies: City – haiku (2020), Stories under Every Rock – haibun (2020) at only £2.00 each excl. p&p;
- A Silver Tapestry – 50{62d7d02dae87dc6db46c44404e7432d01117384a7a818d68afdeba54a3a6d093} discount on the cover price excl. p&p;
- the rest of the books – 20{62d7d02dae87dc6db46c44404e7432d01117384a7a818d68afdeba54a3a6d093} discount on the cover price excl. p&p;
- the latest BHS members’ anthology Temple (2021) and Water (2022) – 40{62d7d02dae87dc6db46c44404e7432d01117384a7a818d68afdeba54a3a6d093} discount on the cover price excl. p&p.
The BHS Bookshop offers the Society’s own publications, books which are not widely available elsewhere. They are not individual haiku collections, but instead commentaries, analyses and appreciations of the art and craft of haiku. They include many examples of haiku old and new.
Stepping Stones: A Way Into haiku
Martin Lucas, 2007. 192 pp. paperback. ISBN 9780952239796. £12.00 UK – SOLD OUT
Following in the footsteps of R.H. Blyth’s famous commentaries on Japanese haiku, this unique British anthology combines appreciation, analysis and imagination, initiating the “unfolding process of discovery” that takes us deeper into the meaning of haiku.
Features 366 haiku and senryu by 71 poets, each with a short paragraph of commentary.
The Genius of Haiku: Readings from R H Blyth on Poetry, Life, and Zen
David Cobb (ed), 1994. Introduction by James Kirkup. 146 pp. paperback. ISBN 0952239703. £10.00 UK
A reprint of this successful selection of extracts from the works of the great British haiku scholar who became tutor to Crown Prince (later Emperor) Akihito. Among the selections are Blyth’s commentary on Bashō, Issa, poetry as everyday life, the place of haiku in world literature and haiku as an aspect of Zen.
A Silver Tapestry: The Best of 25 Years of Critical Writing from the British Haiku Society
Graham High (ed), 2015. Selected by Jon Baldwin and Margery Newlove. 266 pp. paperback. ISBN 9781906333034. £12.00 UK
Published by the BHS to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary, this collection of critical and explorative essays is selected from the Society’s quarterly journal, Blithe Spirit. Features fifty essays by fifty authors who have made significant contributions to English language haiku and its appreciation including David Cobb, Ken Jones and Martin Lucas. Commentaries cover the art of haiku and other forms from tanka to haibun.
where silence becomes song
David Bingham and Iliyana Stoyanova (editors), 2019. 78 pp. paperback. ISBN 9781906333102. £5.00 UK
Published by the BHS as part of the International Haiku Conference in St Albans, UK (31 May-2 June 2019). The anthology consists of 69 haiku by the conference participants from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA.
Harmony within Diversity
Colin Blundell, David Bingham and Iliyana Stoyanova (editors), 2019. 144 pp. paperback. ISBN 9781906333126. £9.50 UK
Published by the BHS. A collection of papers delivered at the International Haiku Conference in St Albans, UK (31 May-2 June 2019) by Judy Kendall, Ralf Bröker, Charles Trumbull (with Lidia Rozmus), Ikuyo Yoshimura, David G. Lanoue, Ian Storr, Antoaneta Nikolova, Yordan M. Georgiev, Anna Maris and Paul Chambers.
Iliyana Stoyanova (ed), 2021. 204 pp. paperback. ISBN 9781906333164. £5.00 UK
Published by the BHS. An anthology which truly reflects the international character of the society – a record-breaking 196 BHS members from Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA submitted their haiku and tanka. Over 40 poets have kindly added translations in their mother tongue or in the language spoken in their adopted country.
Coastal Visions
Ian Storr, Richard van Noort, Kirsteen Aubrey, Victoria Smith, 2022. 30pp A4 landscape. paperback. ISBN 9781906333188. £7.99 + p&p (UK £2.90).
Enquiries to Ian Storr:
A cross-disciplinary collaboration that celebrates and explores the British coastline, and our relationship to it, through science, haiku and glass.
A A Marcoff (ed), 2022. 66 pp. paperback. ISBN 9781906333195. £5.00 UK
Published by the BHS. A tanka anthology in memory of the late tanka poet Linda Jeannette Ward. It showcases many fine contemporary tanka written by members of the British Haiku Society and poets from around the globe: Algeria, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, UK, and USA.
If you would like to purchase any of the books and for further information on postage and packing, please send an e-mail to:
The British Haiku Society is a registered charity and non-profit organisation. BHS books are published as a service to promote haiku. Any profits from sales of books are used to support the Society or towards future publications.