Conway Hall, London – 17 September 2016


Kate B Hall and David Cobb


As part of “The British Haiku Society” outreach programme, and for the second year running, we had a table at the “Poetry Book Fair” in Conway Hall, London.


David Cobb, Iliyana Stoyanova and Rose Ades


Again all of us wore our BHS T-shirts and everyone looked very smart. Business was quite brisk throughout the day and a total of £110.00 was made from the sale of BHS books and journals. In addition, we not only gained a new member but later on quite a few people liked our Facebook page and joined our lively BHS Facebook group.



Mark Gilfillan


Frank Williams


Katherine Gallagher and Kate B Hall

In the afternoon Katherine Gallagher, Kate B Hall, Mark Gilfillan and Iliyana Stoyanova took part in very well attended haiku reading in the park – Katherine (haiku and tanka), Kate (haiku), Mark (haiku) and Iliyana (haiku in 5 different languages and haibun).

Many thanks to all involved in this wonderful event and especially to Susan Lee Kerr for our beautiful T-shirts!
All in all an eventful and very successful day!

Photos provided by Frank Williams and Mark’s and Kate’s friends!
Write-up: Frank Williams and Iliyana Stoyanova



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They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The British Haiku Society.

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